About Us

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Our Aims and Objectives

The aims to provide high quality care and support for people who cannot fully look after themselves is the vision of FREESPRINGS Limited. We have clear and sound principles for the way we run our service. Our aim is to sure people receiving our services in their own home, receive the best of care at all times that is convenient to them, and in ways they find most agreeable.   Central to these is our belief that the rights of service users are paramount.  We are committed to ensuring that the service provided meets the current regulations for Domiciliary Care.

Objectives of the Service

The aim of FREESPRINGS Limited is to:

❖ Provide tailor made services to meet our clients’ needs, at an affordable price.

❖ Provide a suitable service to all client groups who have lost either temporarily or permanently, the ability to carry out, or the means whereby others carry out on their behalf, key tasks and responsibilities necessary for independent living.

❖ Encourage and assist service users to achieve an utmost level of independence.

❖ Respond to service users personal and practical needs.

❖ To Provide services which promote and protect the confidentiality of the personal affairs of service users.

❖ Deliver a consistent and continuous service in terms of staff and quality of service.

❖ Ensure all staff attending to clients are aware of the clients’ assessed needs.

❖ To Consult with service users about the service they receive.

❖ To give each service user a copy of their care plan and also information about the service user’s guide.  Provide a service sensitive to the client’s race, gender, disability, culture, age or sexual preference.

❖ To ensure that the care service as a whole is delivered in accordance with agreed commissioning contracts.

Principles Followed

We require care staff who work with our organization to work with the Service users in a particular manner and we expect them to ensure that the following Rights of Clients are met with respect and dignity:


The right of service users to be left alone, undisturbed and free from intrusion or public attention into their affairs will be respected by our organization.  For example, the right to expect carers to work sensitively when undertaking personal care tasks such as bathing and toileting.  Privacy also includes respecting the confidentiality of information,


FREESPRINGS Limited recognises the intrinsic values of people, regardless of their circumstances, by respecting their uniqueness and their personal needs, as well as treating them with respect.  This includes, finding out about preferred mode of address and avoiding patronising treatment, knocking on doors (e.g. before entering the bedroom), and sensitivity in handling all aspects of personal care.


Promoting the service user’s right of control of the way care is delivered, supporting the right to independence and maximising opportunities for the service user to act without supervision.  This would include a willingness to incur a degree of risk, within a risk management approach, whilst having regard to the safety of the environment and the service users living or working there.


Service users will be assisted to exercise their choices in activities of daily living, choosing what to do, when to do it and who to associate with. These individual preferences will be taken into account in the development of a care plan e.g. timing of service so that it does not unnecessarily restrict the individual’s lifestyle.

Rights Including Civil Rights

The service user has the right to the maintenance of all entitlements associated with citizenship.  This includes the right to make decisions, assuming they have the capacity to do so.  If service users wish to participate in elections, we will try to access the necessary information and either provide or obtain any assistance which they need in order to vote.

Following assessment of need, we want to help service users to make use of as wide a range as possible of public services, such as libraries, education and transport.  We will encourage service users to make full use of health services in all ways appropriate to their medical, nursing and therapeutic needs.  Following assessment of need, we would support service users in their participation as fully and diversely as they wish in the activities of their communities.


In responding to the care needs of service users, recognition of the individual’s race, culture, class and sexuality will be acknowledged with the aim of realising personal aspirations and abilities in all aspects of daily life.


FREESPRINGS Limited will aim to achieve a balance between helping service users to experience as much independence as possible and making sure that they are not exposed to unnecessary hazards.

We will also aim to provide a friendly environment and any necessary support, which offers sensible protection from risk to self and others.  The aim would be to make sure that support is at hand when a service user needs and not to engage in any activity which places them in situations of substantial risk.

We will always carry out thorough risk assessments in relation to home environment, equipment and the activities of the service user who is being helped to enable us to create a physical environment which is free from unnecessary sources of danger to vulnerable people or their property.  As a result of risk assessments, service users will be advised of situations or activities in which their disability is likely to put them or their property at risk.